Legal notice

Through this notice, the provider of information society services provides the data that it is obliged to make available to consumers and users, by imperative of Art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, and all this in the following terms: 

• This website is owned by Alejandro Prieto Aguilar, DNI 74852394K, and domiciled at Calle Rosa García Ascot 10, 2C – Málaga 29190. Phone +34 613 64 78 44 and email 

• All trademarks, logos, trade names, distinctive signs, services, content, videos, texts, photographs, graphics, images, software, links, and information of any kind that appear on this website are also the property of Alejandro Prieto Aguilar, and therefore may not be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, transformed, or modified without his express and written authorization.

Alejandro Prieto Aguilar expressly reserves the rights of reproduction, modification, adaptation, public communication, maintenance, error correction, assignment, sale, rental, loan, and any other intellectual or industrial property rights over the contents of the website, prohibiting the exercise of the aforementioned rights without his express authorization. 

The establishment of a link to another page or site on the Internet does not imply in any case the acceptance and approval by Alejandro Prieto Aguilar of its contents or services, and therefore he assumes no responsibility for them. 

Anyone who intends to establish a link to this website must first request the consent of its owner, who reserves the right to claim possible damages that may be caused by the establishment of this link without the necessary authorization.

• Privacy Policy: Alejandro Prieto Aguilar has complied with the regulations on the protection of personal data in accordance with the current Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, adapting all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the personal data of its clients and users, and to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized access. The level of security adopted is in line with the nature of the personal data provided. 

The personal data that may be collected through this website will be treated fairly and lawfully in accordance with the principles and rights set out in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and other development regulations. 

These data may be incorporated into files duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, which are under the responsibility of Alejandro Prieto Aguilar, with the specific purposes derived from adequately fulfilling the requested services and for sending communications that may be of interest to you and always related to the services of Hola Málaga. 

For the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, the collection of specially protected data may be carried out, to which you give your express consent. Users of the website may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition of their data before Alejandro Prieto Aguilar through the email address, or by letter addressed to Alejandro Prieto Aguilar at the address indicated at the beginning. 

• These terms of use and access are subject to Spanish Law.